Next MALOTEC seminar will take place on Wednesday March 27th at 11am in room B013.
Saïd Jabbour (Université d’Artois, Centre de recherche en informatique de lens (CRIL)) will give a presentation entitled “Data mining by constraints”.
Abstract: In this presentation, I will address the issue of data mining
by constraints. I will present some contributions on declarative
approaches for different data mining tasks including frequent itemset
mining and its various condensed forms, association rules, sequential
pattern mining, uncertain frequent itemset mining and gradual itemset
mining. To highlight the cross-fertilization between symbolic AI and
data mining, I will show how linear constraints can be used to summarize
large graphs, how data mining techniques can be exploited to compress
Boolean formulas and finally how the concept of symmetry, widely
explored in SAT/CP, is extended to pattern mining.
For more information: