Welcome to Yannick Parmentier !
23 January 2018
Yannick was recruited in September 2017 as a lecturer at the University of Lorraine, teaches at the ESPE and has joined the Synalp (D4) du Loria. research team (D4) of the Loria.
Yannick is not really a new arrival, since he joined the Loria for the first time in 2003 in the “Language and Dialogue” team directed by Laurent Romary. In 2007 he defended his thesis, which he had carried out under the direction of Claire Gardent. After his thesis, Yannick undertook a one year post-doctoral research position in Laura Kallmeyer’s group in Tübingen University in Germany. Since 2009, he has been a lecturer in the Université d’Orléans, teaching in the computing department of Orléans IUT.
Natural Language Processing
Yannick’s research domain is the Natural Language Processing (NLP). He especially works on the use of formal models of language representation in applications to analysis and generation of texts. More generally, his research aims to develop resources and algorithms to enable the computer to manipulate human language. Yannick collaborates particularly with linguists and is interested in the processing of language at the lexical (words) syntax (sentence structure) and semantics (sense of the sentence) levels. He is currently a member of an ANR project managed by Mathieu Constant of the ATILF which concerns poly-lexical expressions, i.e. expressions that are composed of several words which when taken together have a specific sense that is different from the normal sense (for example, “taking the bull by its horns”).
A strong implication in ISN teaching
Yannick is strongly involved in teaching computing in secondary education. Thus, between 2011 and 2013 he took part in the training of teachers from the Orléans-Tours academy in the speciality “Computing and Digital Sciences”. Since 2014, he has also worked with the “House for Science, Centre Val de Loire” located in Orléans, to train primary school teachers to think about computing (via disconnected activities or those using robots). “We can no longer do without computing knowledge today, we live in an environment that is digitally connected. Either we understand the basics, or we risk placing ourselves in awkward situations. The dissemination of computing knowledge is a stake of society that also passes by the recognition of computing as a full-blown science” Yannick confided to us.
Now, in Lorraine Yannick trains future ISN teachers. Effectively, the ESPE of Lorraine takes care of a major part of this training, which means that the Nancy-Metz academy is one of the few in France to provide a considerable volume of ISN training. He also intends to contact the Lorraine house of science, to mutualize the actions carried out in Orléans and has new collaborations planned.